Worship Round Up
Thursday 21st December 2023
Our weekly round-up aims to support our parents in the conversations that they are having at home with their children. Each week, we will share the themes of each of our worships and any resources that we have been using, such as: videos, books and music, to allow our parents to access these if they wish to. Our weekly worship is structured in the following way:
- Monday Worship Focus: ‘Legacy…’ led by class teachers or the senior leadership team who explore people who are excellent role models within their field and consider the impact they had on our world today;
- Tuesday Worship Focus: ‘What’s happening in the world this week?’ led by Mrs Griffin and focusing on key events that are taking place in the world currently;
- Wednesday Worship Focus: ‘Bible Stories’ led by Luke Wickings (the vicar from St Paul’s) who is working through the stories of the Bible and exploring the lessons that can be learnt from these;
- Thursday Worship Focus: Singing led by Mrs Griffin and Mrs Walker;
- Friday Worship Focus: Values and Celebration led by Mrs Evans who revisits one of our core values — Commitment, Courage and Love, along with celebrating the team points winners for the week and achievements from outside school with the pupils.
Monday's Worship
KS2 Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal
On Monday, KS1 got to watch the dress rehearsal for the KS2 Christmas concert. The children performed with confidence and we heard readings from children from every year group. It was wonderful to see the keyboards performing, the Year 3 and Year 4 band and the Year 5 and Year 6 band. It was also fantastic to hear some small groups of singers opening some of the songs and a completely original composition performed by the whole key stage which was created specially for the concert by two of our Year 6 pupils (with guidance from Mrs Walker). They did a fantastic job and we were delighted to be able to share it with parents and carers at the performances this week too.
Tuesday's Worship
How can wour actions make others feel welcome?
In worship on Tuesday we reflected on popular Christmas card designs that share the nativity story. Many don't depict Jesus as a refugee, but he was. We reflected on refugees around the world and how we can welcome those who need us at challenging times. We watched the animation 'Home' and considered how others think and feel. You can watch the vide here: Home. We went on to thank God for what we have and to pray that we show our values of love, courage and commitment with others this Christmas.
Wednesday's Worship
Christmas Church Service
Our Faith Reps led a wonderful service at the church which included some of our favourite songs that we have been learning for the nativity, Christmas concert and to reflect on the message of Christmas further. Luke spoke to us about the true meaning of Christmas and illustrated this through a game of pass the parcel with each layer representing a different element of the story. He talked about it being the birthday of a special baby boy who would be known as 'king'; he talked about the star leading the wise men and shepherds to worship the baby and the significance of the shepherds being ordinary people and the wise men being called from far way - not being local - and being chosen to signify that God's love is there for us all. Our Faith Reps then closed our service with prayers that they created themselves. It was a lovely service and wonderful to join together as a whole school community within the church.
Thursday's Worship
Advent 4 - Love
Today in worship we lit the fourth Advent candle - Love. We focused on the birth of Jesus being the ultimate demonstration of love for us by God as He sent His only son. We reflected on this being a time of 'gift giving' and considered the 'gifts' that we can give to one another that cost nothing but demonstrate our love: listening, helping, supporting, complimenting, apologising, looking for the positive. We talked about Jesus being sent as a role model for us to learn from and that we should consider how our actions are reflective of him. We shared some reflections about love which were written by Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6: Love is being kind to our beautiful world; Love is looking after people and making them feel warm and bright; Love is when someone helps you up and doesn’t just walk away; Love is when someone shows with their actions that they care. Finally, we closed worship by singing 'My Lighthouse'.