Worship Round Up
Friday 1st December 2023
Our weekly round-up aims to support our parents in the conversations that they are having at home with their children. Each week, we will share the themes of each of our worships and any resources that we have been using, such as: videos, books and music, to allow our parents to access these if they wish to. Our weekly worship is structured in the following way:
- Monday Worship Focus: ‘Legacy…’ led by class teachers or the senior leadership team who explore people who are excellent role models within their field and consider the impact they had on our world today;
- Tuesday Worship Focus: ‘What’s happening in the world this week?’ led by Mrs Griffin and focusing on key events that are taking place in the world currently;
- Wednesday Worship Focus: ‘Bible Stories’ led by Luke Wickings (the vicar from St Paul’s) who is working through the stories of the Bible and exploring the lessons that can be learnt from these;
- Thursday Worship Focus: Singing led by Mrs Griffin and Mrs Walker;
- Friday Worship Focus: Values and Celebration led by Mrs Evans who revisits one of our core values — Commitment, Courage and Love, along with celebrating the team points winners for the week and achievements from outside school with the pupils.
Monday's Worship
Maurice Burton
On Monday, we found out about Maurice Burton who was a cyclist; he was Britain's first black professional cyclist in the 1960s. During his career, he experienced racism and discrimination from fans and other professionals within the sport, and ultimately was not chosen to be part of the team to represent Great Britain at the Olympics even though he was one of the country's top cyclists. Maurice decided that the only way that he could pursue his dream was to move to another country where he would not experience the same level of discrimination. Despite his own experiences, Maurice still encouraged his son to pursue a career in cycling in Britain. We considered why he may have done this and the forgiveness that he has had to show towards a profession that treated him so badly. Maurice continues to speak out about the need to promote further diversity within the sport and whilst he recognises that some progress has been made since his time, he shares the message that there is still work to be done. You can find out more about him in 'Legacies: Black British Pioneers by Lania Narjee'.
Tuesday's Worship
Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree
On Tuesday, we learnt about the significance of the Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree which goes up on the first Thursday in December. We learnt about its origin and what it symbolises - an act of friendship between countries at a time of need. We talked about acts of friendship that we give to one another and their significance and we asked God to help countries to show support and kindness to one another. We also talked about how excited the school choir are to perform under this tree in a couple of weeks - we can't wait to share some photos with the school community.
Wednesday's Worship
Why were the Shepherds given the news of Jesus's Birth?
On Wednesday, Luke's worship focused on the angels visiting the shepherds in the nativity story. We thought about why the shepherds were visited and chosen to receive this news. Luke explained that at the time, shepherds were considered to be inferior and not included in society. The angel speaking to them shows us that Jesus was born for everyone and that God loves us all unconditionally. Jesus was born to unite everyone and show everyone that they are loved and part of God's family.
Thursday's Worship
Singing Practice
This week, KS2 rehearsed their concert songs in 2 parts:
- The Holly and the Ivy
- Advent Calendar
- Because of Him
KS1 continued to practise for their Christmas Nativity - "Hey Ewe"
Friday's Worship
Advent 1 - Hope