Worship Round Up
Friday 12th January 2024
Our weekly round-up aims to support our parents in the conversations that they are having at home with their children. Each week, we will share the themes of each of our worships and any resources that we have been using, such as: videos, books and music, to allow our parents to access these if they wish to. Our weekly worship is structured in the following way:
- Monday Worship Focus: ‘The world Needs More Purple People’ led by class teachers or the senior leadership team who explore the theme of 'All Made in God's Image';
- Tuesday Worship Focus: ‘What’s happening in the world this week?’ led by Mrs Griffin and focusing on key events that are taking place in the world currently;
- Wednesday Worship Focus: ‘Bible Stories’ led by Luke Wickings (the vicar from St Paul’s) who is working through the stories of the Bible and exploring the lessons that can be learnt from these;
- Thursday Worship Focus: Singing led by Mrs Griffin and Mrs Walker;
- Friday Worship Focus: Values and Celebration led by Mrs Evans who revisits one of our core values — Commitment, Courage and Love, along with celebrating the team points winners for the week and achievements from outside school with the pupils.
Tuesday's Worship
Developing Independence and Resilience
In worship on Tuesday, we looked at these two images. We considered what we could see taking place in these pictures and what they represented. Mrs Evans highlighted the words 'Independence' and 'Resilience' and we thought about what these mean and what they look like in the classroom when we are showing these. We talked about 'riding the waves' in our classroom and that our learning can be challenging, but that the more waves or challenges that we face, the easier they become to manage - this is resilience. Mrs Evans introduced the new 'Look' (which resources in the classroom could support your learning?), 'Ask' (what could you ask your learning partner that might help?), 'Find' (how could the adults in your classroom help you?) approach and each class looked at this together and agreed what they would look like in action in their classroom. Take a look at the posters that we have created below and don't forget to ask the children how they have been using this to support their learning.
- Look Ask and Find Poster Reception
- Look Ask and Find Poster Year 1
- Look Ask and Find Poster Year 2
- Look Ask and Find Poster Year 3
- Look Ask and Find Poster Year 4
- Look Ask and Find Poster Year 5
- Look Ask and Find Poster Year 6
Wednesday's Worship
On Wednesday, Luke spoke to us about temptation and the idea that whilst it is present all around us, we always have a choice to make. Luke shared with us a video of primary aged children who had to choose whether to follow instructions or to cheat when no adult was watching. We explored how doing the right thing can be the more difficult choice but that we can always make the right choice even when no one is watching. We then explored how Jesus had used God's words and promises to make the right choices even when the devil tempted him in a difficult time. We finished by singing the song "I have decided to follow Jesus" which again reminds us that God's words, the Bible and its teachings can help us to make the right choices.
Thursday's Worship
In Singing Worship this week, we sang 'The Blessing' by Elevation Worship. We discussed what a blessing is, and how the song explains that God is always with us.
Friday's Worship
On Friday, we focused on the message in 1 Samuel 16:7: "The Lord tells Samuel – 'Don’t look at how handsome Eliab is. Don’t look at how tall he is. I have not chosen him. God does not see the same way people see. People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart.” We reflected on the fact that God does not judge us by appearance or ability, but by what is in our hearts. Mrs Evans shared 'The World Needs More Purple People' with us and explained that over the next few weeks we will be looking at the behaviours that we can develop to ensure that we also judge others in the way that God does - by what is on the inside and not be appearance or ability. We will be exploring this further in our Monday worships this half-term.