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Safeguarding Curriculum

Below are the details of our 'Safeguarding Curriulum' at St Paul's. This is delivered in a variety of ways: whole class lessons, whole school worships, parent meetings and workshops, visits and workshops led by other professionals. Our approach encourages an open culture where pupils and families are able to come forward with concerns and for support knowing that the trusted adults within the communtiy will support them sensitively with this.

Where a concern is brought forward that we do not feel is explicitly covered within the curriculum currently, we continully look at adapting, adding in extra lessons, worships or parent information letters and other resources in response to this. We also work closely with our cluster of local primary and sceondary schoosl to consider local area safeguarding concerns that we want to target or respond to as a group and annual training for staff is adapted to ensure that it reflects the most common concerns within our community alongside training on wider issues that staff need to be aware of.