SPARK Book Awards 2022
This year we are again taking part in the SPARK Book Awards. Shortlists have been created in the three categories below and our pupils will have the chance to read the books, meet the authors in live remote sessions and vote for their favourite book. They will also have the chance to be involved in the awards ceremony in June when the winners will be announced. It is a really exciting experience to be involved in as a whole school community. Who do you think will win each category?
Ages 3 - 5 Picture Fiction
Book Information
Click on a book image to find out more about it. Each title can be ordered from all local bookshops or online book retailers.
Ages 6 - 11 Picture Fiction
Book Information
Click on a book image to find out more about it. Each title can be ordered from all local bookshops or online book retailers.Ages 7 - 9 Fiction
Book Information
Click on a book image to find out more about it. Each title can be ordered from all local bookshops or online book retailers.
Ages 9 - 11 Fiction
Book Information
Click on a book image to find out more about it. Each title can be ordered from all local bookshops or online book retailers.