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Religious Education (RE)

Suggested Resources

SDBE Religious Education website


This site shares with you the curriculum that we as a Southwark Church of England school follow. It explains the rationale and values at the core of our decision making for the teaching of RE. It explains what place RE takes in a church school and its importance.



This site hold lots of resources in one place including videos and activities to support your child develop their understanding of other religions and the questions surrounding these.

RE Today website


This website had up to date information on supporting the delivery of the Religious Education subject. Interesting articles as well as practical activities and information.

RE Quest


This website has a variety of resources really well organised. It poses topical questions, shares videos and quizzes all focussed on supporting the teaching and learning of RE.

RE Online


This site shares with you current discussions on the subject as well as sharing competitions that children can get involved in. There is a really good pupil blog on here too.



This site uses a robot character Superbook to take pupils through the Bible in an adventure style experience. There are both stories to watch and games to take part in.

BBC Bitesize


This gives short videos on different faiths and their history. There are also related quizzes that can be taken to check knowledge and learning.

The School Run


This site is designed to help you support your child with learning about the various faiths taught in RE as well as some of the more philosophical questions presented to your child to consider.