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Equality Statement

Equality Duty

Public bodies, including local authority maintained schools, are covered by the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011.

At St Paul's C of E Primary School, we take this obligation very seriously and ensure that all of our pupils can take part as fully as possible in every aspect of school life. We identify any barriers to learning that they may have and then work to overcome these so that each pupil can flourish. 

As part of this duty, we must have an Equality Policy (see link below) and set 'Equality Objectives' which identify areas that we are particularly focusing on. Our current objectives can be seen below. 

Equality Policy 2024

Equality Objectives

  • Objective 1: To foster positive relationships between people within our community who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it in order to promote community cohesion.


  • Objective 2: To embed representations across the curriculum which match the diversity of our community to support pupils in developing their cultural understanding.


  • Objective 3: To develop support for pupils and families for whom English is an additional language to support their engagement with school.


  • Objective 4: To improve attainment for PPG Pupils.

Equality Objectives Action Plan

Achieving for Children - Anti-Racist Pledge

As a school we commit to the following: