Subject Intent
At St Paul's C of E Primary School, we endeavour to create a love for literacy. We want every child to leave St Paul’s with the confidence and ability to write with fluency and have an author’s voice, to think about the purpose and impact of their writing, to draw on a wide range of vocabulary and to be confident to use adventurous spoken and written language.
We equip our pupils with the skills needed to plan and organise writing to effectively suit the genre in which they are writing, and ensure that all pupils take pride in their work through care and attention to presentation, spelling, grammar and punctuation. We advocate learning from mistakes and reflecting on how we have progressed, with a focus on re-reading and editing writing. Pupils are encouraged to make improvements in order to produce writing to the best of their ability.
Our curriculum is planned carefully with our pupils in mind. The books and topics used to inspire writing are chosen carefully to reflect a range of periods of history along with a diverse representation of cultures. Our choices take into account our own community to ensure that our pupils are seeing representations within the curriculum that they can relate to and can recognise their own experiences within.
At St Paul’s we value reading as a key life skill. We are dedicated to ensuring that all pupils are equipped with the skills and knowledge to read and comprehend what they have read. Pupils in Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with daily sessions focused on phonics and spelling, starting with a focus on sounds and word building (Letters and Sounds DfE), developing into sentence structure practice and applying knowledge through games, tasks and challenges.
Across the school, pupils take part in daily individual small group or whole class guided reading sessions. During these they are supported in reading (decoding) and fully understanding the text (comprehension). Our pupils are given time to read text, discuss word meanings and think about the authors' word choices, as well as answering challenging questions and finding evidence from the text. We also have an emphasis on the acquisition of a full range of vocabulary and look for opportunities to introduce pupils to words which can be reinforced across the curriculum.
We offer all pupils a range of opportunities to read, including in our classroom book areas, reflection areas and during our whole school book clubs which run termly. Trips to local libraries, visits or online workshops with authors and participation in local book awards offer our pupils the opportunity to engage further with the books that they are reading, and promote a love of reading.
Phonics Curriculum: Our phonics curriculum is based on 'Bug Club Phonics' (approved by the DfE) and our reading scheme is matched to this teaching too. . Click here for further information.
Reading Scheme: Reading books for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 are divided into colour bands which have been organised to match our phonics teaching. Click here for further information about the colour bands.
Skills and Knowledge Progression and Whole School Overview
Writing Skills and Knowledge Progression
Reading Skills and Knowledge Progression
Click here to see which texts and genres each class is currently focusing on
Year Group Overviews and Further Information for Parents
Click here for further information about how you can support your child
Year group overviews coming soon
Subject Policy
Coming soon