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Reading Support

Reading Scheme Progression

Reading Scheme Progression  

Developing Reading Comprehension

 1. Use these example questions when you are reading with your child at home:

Reading Questions for Parents

2. Encourage your child to create their own questions to ask you about what they have just read. 

Writing Support

Developing Simple Sentences - Reception and Key Stage 1

This video has been created by the Reception and KS1 team to share the strategies that we use within the classroom to support children with simple sentence construction.


Progression of skills

As your child progresses through Reception and into Year 1, they should be making phonetically plausible attempts when writing sentences. You may find they are able to read the sentences and you are not always able to.

As your child progresses through Year 1 and into Year 2, they should be able to further apply their phonetic knowledge when writing. They should be able to read their work and have somebody else read it too.​

Developing Use of Commas

These videos has been created by the Key stage 2 team to share further information about use of commas. 

Commas for a List


Commas for Fronted Adverbials


Commas for Subordinate Conjunctions


Commas for Relative Clauses


 Developing Speech Punctuation

This video has been created by the Key stage 2 team to share further information about use of speech punctuation. 


Spelling Support

Strategies for Learning Spellings

Here are some suggested actvities that can be used when practising spellings at home:

Spelling Activiies