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Subject Intent

At St Paul’s C of E Primary School, our aim is to ensure that our pupils are fully equipped to participate safely and effectively in an ever-evolving digital world. Pupils experience a wide range of technology including use of: iPads, Chromebooks, Spheros and Beebots. This allows them to develop their skills across the three key areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully).

Our curriculum is planned carefully with our pupils in mind. We look for opportunities to study real people who made an impact through their work in computing, such as Tim Berners-Lee who grew up and went to school locally.  The people studied are chosen carefully to reflect a range of periods of history along with a diverse representation of cultures. Opportunities are sought by our staff to offer enriching experiences, such as workshops at The Apple Store, and pupils are taught to use devices through a cross-curricular approach, which allows them to set their learning into context and to see the impact that technology has in many areas. Opportunities are given for our pupils to use technology to solve problems, and to create and apply algorithms. 

We also place an emphasis on the importance of being safe when using online technology and support them in developing strategies to deal with issues or concerns online, including on social media. We consider with them ways in which technology can enhance our lives, but also identify ways in which it can make it more challenging. We believe that starting these conversations from a young age will support our pupils in developing the foundations of a healthy relationship with online technology which can be built upon as they grow older.

Skills and Knowledge  Progression and Whole School Overview

Computing Skills and Knowledge Progression

Computing Whole School Curriculum Overview

Click here to see what each class is currently focusing on in their Computing lessons

Year Group Overviews and Further Information for Parents

Click here for further information about how you can support your child

Year group overviews coming soon

Subject Policy

Coming soon