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A Guide to PSA Events

Every year our PSA run many fantastic events for our families. Here is an overview of these events, what they involve and how our families can help. 

Picnic in the Playground

Held at the start of the autumn term, this is a relaxed event that takes place in the school playground to give our families the chance to socialise and form new friendships. It is also an opportunity for our new Reception families to meet the wider community. 


PSA Quiz Night

The quiz usually takes place in the autumn term and is an evening for adults only. Parents/carers (and staff) play in teams of up to 8. It is a fun evening held in the school hall which is always popular. 


PSA Christmas Extravaganza

This is the school's Christmas fair held on a saturday afternoon. There are lots of stalls to visit, a performance by the school choir and the opportunity to visit Santa's Grotto. The PSA always need help from parents/carers to run stalls, help with the set up and help with the clear up too. It's a lovely community day which always helps to get us all in the Christmas spirit. 


PSA Children's Christmas Market

This is an event for the children only and takes place within the school day. The PSA collect donations of gifts for children and adults in order to turn the school hall into a Christmas Market for the children to visit. Families have the option to pay for up to 4 labels and the children then visit the market and pick gifts for each label that they have paid for. There is not an expectation that every child will pay for 4 labels, it is up to parents and carers to decide how many they wish their child to pick. 

To make this market work really well, the PSA rely on families donating the number of gifts that they intend their child to buy in order to ensure that we have enough. 

On the day, the PSA need volunteers to come and help the children to choose gifts and to wrap them for the children ready for them to be taken home. It is a really magical experience to be part of. 


PSA Children's Discos and Movie Night

The PSA hold discos and a movie night for the children in the spring term. These events take place in age groups: Reception and KS1 Disco, Year 3 and 4 Disco, Year 5 and 6 Movie Night. The PSA always needs volunteers to help with setting up, supervising and helping to tidy the school hall. 


PSA Summer Fair

The summer fair is always held early in the summer term. Like the Christmas fair, it is a community day with lots of stalls and activities to visit, a performance by the school choir and other performances by local groups. It is a fantastic day but takes a lot of organisation! The PSA always need help from parents/carers to run stalls, help with the set up and help with the clear up too. 


PSA Dress Up Donation Days

Look out for informaton about PSA dress up donation days. These are days that the PSA use to collect in donations for certain events and as a thank you the children are given a themed dress up day, such as: Team Colours, Wear Your Hair Wild or Christmas Comes Early. The PSA will ask for donations of things such as: cakes, sweets and bottles to be used on stalls or sold at the fair.